this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I haven't blogged in a long time now..

Lots of things have happened and there have been times that I have questioned a lot of things..
The year 2011 has passed by in a blink of an eye, and within that time period I have had the pleasure of getting to know some very wonderful people, had experienced unimaginable things, had the opportunity to do inexplicable things. In short, I am very very grateful for all that has happened in the last year..

Surely not all of them have been enjoyable experiences but like they say you gotta take what you can get..and I thank Allah for keeping me alive and healthy..

I miss my mother.. my family and my family of friends.. I wish I could go back once more and tell them how much I miss them... I do have new friends but since they are of a different nationality, their way of thinking and personality are new to me.. But I am glad to have met them and grateful to be a part of their life..


  1. I say luck them...because they get to experience ur unique and special energetic self...I miss you a lot too...Uri Dongsen...I miss u.....and Im happy we got to meet and insha allah we will keep our relationship the way it is no matter how tough it gets ne!!!hope u do read the comments on ur blog....:P...

  2. I'll say Survive a New Year! ('cause of something I saw on

