this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Missing home!!

Yesterday was Alha Eid and it was the first time since I got to China that I started missing home. All this time I had been busy with school homework and getting around my campus without getting lost ( Thank Allah that He has given me a good sense of direction). I had been too occupied with new people, new surroundings to realize that I won't be able to see my homeland for quite sometime.
I  hate feeling homesick. All night, I had stayed up trying to download songs from my country and all day, I stared at the pictures I took with  my family, friends and colleagues.
All I have to say is no matter where you go, how beautiful that certain place is, how perfect your life is, there is no place like home.
I wish my loved ones a healthy life and hope to God that I can see them soon.
Till then, I shall do my best to succeed in reaching my goal, Insha Allah!

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