this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Friday, October 21, 2011


This month seems to be the worst month ever for me. I have gone through so much, though it may not seem much, it certainly has made me think that something is wrong with me. Let me just list out the events that have occurred in October.
1. 7 day school
After allowing us a 7 day holiday, my school decided to make our lives more fulfilling by making us attend school for 7 days. Not your ideal way of making things more happening.
2. Tests
The 7 day school attending rule wasn't enough. They decided to test us with surprise exams.
3. Curse involving tests
I think it's safe to say that I am cursed for everyday that we had an exam I fell ill. The last two times we had exams I was either hurling or shivering and sniffling.
4. Losing prized possessions
This must have the hardest thing I had to deal with aside from being left at the wrong city. I managed to let my iPhone get stolen. Yes, my most expensive gadget that I treated like a baby got stolen and it really feels as if someone just chopped up my heart and put it in a grinder. I moped around in bed for a day mourning over my yet-to-be-paid-but-stolen phone. Aside form losing my beloved phone, I have lost nearly all of my contacts and I have no way of contacting my friends Ran and Robin from Changsha. I owe them both a lot and I have been planning on keeping in touch with them. I have not written down the number in anything else so I have no idea what I am going to do to find them. They are extremely important to me.
5. Free gates
Free gates ditched me. Making it highly difficult for me to communicate with people back home.
6. Imam Anwar Awlaki assassinated.
Well, he was assassinated or terminated more likely on the 30 of September but I learned about this tonight. Inna Lilla Wa Inna Ilaihi Raajioon.. He was one of the best scholars of our times. His lectures inspired me and filled me with fear and awe over Allah. He was one of the few men who had it in them to help our generation understand Islam better. His lectures were easy to understand and assured me that I am following the right path. May Allah bless him.
7. Yamapi & Ryo Leaving NEWS
I totally can't get why groups break up. First it was KAT TUN and now it's NEWS. I am devastated over the  news and I don't think I can get over this easily. I can understand why Ryo had to leave.  No one can juggle two different groups. He is human and he needs to rest and stuff. But I cant fathom the reason why Pi had to leave NEWS. I think he is following Jin's footsteps and let me tell you that I am disappointed in him. I thought him to be a better leader than this. I mean come on, they spent 8 years together and now he has to leave them?? Why??? I know everyone has their reasons but I find it difficult to accept this decision Pi made.
8. Realizing that Hanyu is difficult
Difficult is undermining. I am now not confident on how I will do.Learning Chinese is hard and from the batch who came here before me, I have been hearing not very inspiring stories. They have told me that they understand none of their lectures and one of them is already planning on leaving the scholarship. I am now getting nervous and worried on how I will do in the future.

Things have not turned out well for me this month. Everything that can go wrong has happened and I am sure more are to come. But I am not one to give up. Sure, I lose confidence in myself and get depressed and worry over how my studies will be in the future. But I have not reached the point where I will want to give up and go back home. I have enough strength left in me to study hard and work hard to improve the language. It is not going to be easy but it will be much more difficult for me to go back home without trying my best.

I haven't told my parents about losing the phone. They surely will kill me. I used my own money to buy the phone so it wont be that hard. On the other hand, it is much more harder to accept that it was stolen because I spent so much money on it. But life goes on, material things come and go and there is no point in getting attached to them. My iPhone wont be any help to me when I am dead and buried inside the ground waiting for judgement day. We, the Muslims have lost a great asset to our Muslim community but angry backlash will not fix this. We must honor Imam's death by believing in our one true God, and staying true to our Muslim beliefs.

About boy bands breaking up, I just hope Shinee doesn't add their names to the disbanded groups.

Life goes on so Shall I! I shall buy a very cheap phone and try to find a way to find Ran and Robin's  number. I shall do my best to study and communicate in Chinese. I shall pray 5 times a day and remember my Kind Merciful God 24/7. I shall enjoy life to the fullest supporting disbanded groups and solo artists. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Trials and more trials... Keep up the awesome work unni! Are you watching Chinese shows? It might help...?

    Ohh yea, I heard about that. Ryo and Pi. Haven't fangirled them in ages so I;m thankfully feeling more detached about the whole thing. It was bad with KATTUN... SHINEE WILL GO ON FOREVER!!! ^0^
