this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Waving buh bye!!!

I'll be leaving to China for my studies on the 1st of September..
It still feels unreal to me... as if this is a dream..
I don't know when I will grasp the fact that I am actually leaving...
I am going through a whirl of emotions.. anxiety, happiness, excitement, sadness, and more...
I can't explain it..
I have been waiting for a way out, to explore the world, to see beyond what I believed was my  limit. I have always had this dream to go out of my country to explore and broaden my mind. I believe that by observing other people's lifestyles, you get to appreciate more about life and you are able to live life to the fullest. I am happy that Allah granted me this opportunity but it does make me sad when I think about the life that I have to leave behind. My family, all my precious sea of friends and the comfortable route that I have been taking for a very long time. The biggest regret I will have is the amount of things I will miss when I am gone. I will miss watching my brother grow up, my cousins going to the school for the first time, my best friends getting married and having kids and all that. The only that comforts me is that this is how I want my life to progress. I choose this path to further mold myself. Hehehe I might not make sense but I have this real strong feeling that this is what I am destined to do. Create an open mind. Become one with all these different people with different backgrounds and colorful cultures. It might seem that I am painting a mere rainbow here but I do know that this journey would not only contain rainbows and butterflies. Hardship will be there and I have faith in myself, Insha Allah, I will become stronger after this...

For all those who believed in me when I didn't, thank you so much for not giving up on me. Though  I may not shed tears and wave like a maniac bellowing "buh bye",please do know that I will be weeping inside. I hope you will understand why I will do this Insha Allah. :)


  1. I hope you have an exciting journey of life of enlightenment thingy!

    My exact thoughts! About the limit part I mean, I'm sure most feel like we haven't found out what our potential is or how much of it we have. Must be why I feel so restless and anxious when I think of my goals and stuff like that. Haha!

    Won't say goodbye just yet XP

  2. Hehehehe you need to find out what it is that is missing in your life!!!! :D'll see you the 31st!!! :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes! Want to explore the world!
    Enjoy the independence and the sense of fulfillment you get when you take care of things on your own. You'll do fine!!
    Also observe and absorb the good lifestyle! :D

  5. Thanks Aphoo!!! I shall try my best!!!
    @ Fabler..It's different and exciting!!! :D
