this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Friday, August 26, 2011


Yesterday was my last day at work. Since I am going to go to China for studies I had to quit my current working place. To be quite honest, I despise my work place and some of the people there. Some of them were hard to get along to and some of them just simply had a grudge against me. This is normal since nearly everyone experiences stuff like this at a work environment. I tried my best to get along with them and I did but the work I did was and still is unsuitable for me. I wasn't that passionate about it and simply put, I was glad to get away from that place. However, nearly all of my co-workers organised a farewell for me. They were there wishing me good luck and cheering me on. It surprised me as well as made me happy. At that moment I came to the realization that I am very lucky to have been working there. Good or bad, they taught me lessons and I think the experience I had there with the people will make me stronger in the future. I thank them all from the bottom of my heart for I am truly glad to have worked there, met these unique people and got time to get used to people with different background, lifestyles and ethics. I am happy to have the opportunity to move on and I think the future will be bright if you have faith and hope guiding you. Things that don't please you or things that you hate will happen and nothing can stop that. We just have to learn to move on and deal with these certain situations head on. That is what life is all about. In my opinion. :) Thank you all!!!!

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