this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Waving buh bye!!!

I'll be leaving to China for my studies on the 1st of September..
It still feels unreal to me... as if this is a dream..
I don't know when I will grasp the fact that I am actually leaving...
I am going through a whirl of emotions.. anxiety, happiness, excitement, sadness, and more...
I can't explain it..
I have been waiting for a way out, to explore the world, to see beyond what I believed was my  limit. I have always had this dream to go out of my country to explore and broaden my mind. I believe that by observing other people's lifestyles, you get to appreciate more about life and you are able to live life to the fullest. I am happy that Allah granted me this opportunity but it does make me sad when I think about the life that I have to leave behind. My family, all my precious sea of friends and the comfortable route that I have been taking for a very long time. The biggest regret I will have is the amount of things I will miss when I am gone. I will miss watching my brother grow up, my cousins going to the school for the first time, my best friends getting married and having kids and all that. The only that comforts me is that this is how I want my life to progress. I choose this path to further mold myself. Hehehe I might not make sense but I have this real strong feeling that this is what I am destined to do. Create an open mind. Become one with all these different people with different backgrounds and colorful cultures. It might seem that I am painting a mere rainbow here but I do know that this journey would not only contain rainbows and butterflies. Hardship will be there and I have faith in myself, Insha Allah, I will become stronger after this...

For all those who believed in me when I didn't, thank you so much for not giving up on me. Though  I may not shed tears and wave like a maniac bellowing "buh bye",please do know that I will be weeping inside. I hope you will understand why I will do this Insha Allah. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011


Yesterday was my last day at work. Since I am going to go to China for studies I had to quit my current working place. To be quite honest, I despise my work place and some of the people there. Some of them were hard to get along to and some of them just simply had a grudge against me. This is normal since nearly everyone experiences stuff like this at a work environment. I tried my best to get along with them and I did but the work I did was and still is unsuitable for me. I wasn't that passionate about it and simply put, I was glad to get away from that place. However, nearly all of my co-workers organised a farewell for me. They were there wishing me good luck and cheering me on. It surprised me as well as made me happy. At that moment I came to the realization that I am very lucky to have been working there. Good or bad, they taught me lessons and I think the experience I had there with the people will make me stronger in the future. I thank them all from the bottom of my heart for I am truly glad to have worked there, met these unique people and got time to get used to people with different background, lifestyles and ethics. I am happy to have the opportunity to move on and I think the future will be bright if you have faith and hope guiding you. Things that don't please you or things that you hate will happen and nothing can stop that. We just have to learn to move on and deal with these certain situations head on. That is what life is all about. In my opinion. :) Thank you all!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I've always had a fascination for origami. It completely gets me obsessed. I find it very interesting. With tiny bits of paper you get to create something artistic and cool. This year, when Japan was struck by the terrible earthquake  and tsunami, I felt helpless. Japan is a country that I respect, admire and love. They have done so much for the world and especially my country. I wanted to do something to help raise money. I heard about the story of Sadako, the girl who had leukemia after the bombing of Hiroshima. The 1000 cranes inspired me and since it is a belief of Japanese I tried folding as much cranes as I could. I sold them and donated all the money to our Japan fund and this situation brought back the interest of origami. Though it took me a while due to procrastination, I managed to finish a 3D swan. This got me thinking. Origami doesn't only interest me, it helps me relax and release stress. I recommend this technique to all. Though it is time consuming and somewhat useless to many people, I believe that it helps me. Origami has taught me to appreciate the little stuff that no one think matters and it has taught me patience. I shall continue on making art with origami and my next battle is to make a peacock. It is quite the challenge! I can't wait to begin!!!