this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring has arrived!

Spring is finally here!!! And with it's arrival my HSK exam has been done and over with, I've been put in a new class and half of my friends are married and sprouting out babies!!  In short a bittersweet time and the bitterness is greater as I am experiencing cold that comes with the weather changes..

HSK exam is Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, AKA, the exam that tells us whether our Chinese is good or crap. I am glad that it is over since I can finally relax now. No more of trying to cram in 1200 words and trying but helplessly failing at remembering how to write the characters. I wasn't fully prepared for the exam but then again who  is?? I am glad to say that the exam went smoothly, so smooth that I am a bit worried. I will be able to get my hands on my results on the 18 of this month and I can't wait to check it out. I am both excited and worried.

With the exam being done, our class has been divided into two now. The good ones who are bound to pass the HSK exam have been put in to one class and the rest are preparing to do the exam for the second time. Fortunately, I am one of the bright ones though I have absolutely no idea how that happened, but this class sucks big time. We have a new teacher and her teaching method sucks! I like her a lot, she is really nice and cute but as a teacher she is just meh! And it turns out that she was the woman who helped me haul my luggage up the stairs! Weird coincidence! :P We have new classmates and they are alright but then they are not the same as Class 6! I miss the fun times we had and I miss my laoshi! She was so much fun and the way she teaches is awesome and I am more used to it. We are now preparing to do HSK 5 and it is another headache since we have to learn 1500 more words! I might just not sit for this exam since it is not compulsory. But since I passed in the surprise test I am willing to give it a try.. We will see how it goes! Like they say, life is like spring, once the cold harsh winter is done, flowers will start to bloom. :)

The month of weddings, pregnancies, deliveries and  baby bumps has arrived! One of my best friends got married and I got to attend the wedding via skpe. It was a really happy yet sad moment since I was not able to be there for her in flesh. All I could do was stare at my friends getting ready for the wedding through the lap top. I cried a little bit since I was overwhelmed with both happiness and regret. We had always talked about how we would be there for each other during weddings and photo shoots and I am unable to fulfill my duty as her best friend. Aside from that, I am real happy that she got to start her life with the one she loves and I wish them both a life filled with happiness! My other best friend is also getting married in June and unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. :( It sucks missing your best friends' joyous moments and I wish I could be there for them both. And yeah, my friends they are moving on with their lives, and I am soo happy for them. But I can't help but feel a little bit sad for myself. It makes me questions what the hell I am  doing here and what I am getting out of it. I would like to get myself some one who loves me and move on with our lives. Sadly, that is not where my life is heading and I wonder why it isn't so..I know for a fact that no one's life goes the way one plans and it is never the same as your friend's. But rational thinking doesn't help the way I feel about things like this. I guess there is nothing I can do other than move on with the decisions that I have made. Insha Allah, Allah will help me through out all this. Who knows what we are destined to do other than Allah.

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