this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paradise or Hell on Earth

Today has to be the day that I most regret saying I am a Maldivian. Most Maldivians don't like hearing about this and I too hate even saying this out loud. In my opinion my country has the most obnoxious people alive! People from other countries would say this about their country or maybe they don't but I don't care about what others think, I just want to lay out my opinion out in the open.

My country, The Maldives is famous world wide as one of the most beautiful countries in the world. With white sandy beaches and the glistening sea, we are known for our resorts and underwater beauty. Within these few years we have also become well known for political problems.

What I believe the core problem in our country is not political, it is the fact that we have lost humanity. Moreover, we have lost the belief in the beautiful religion of Islam. The people of Maldives should be ashamed to say they are muslims when they lack even the slightest bit of courtesy. We have forgotten to respect our parents, elders, and mostly in ourselves. Everyone is after one thing. Power. Wealth. Money. Many of my poor countrymen have lost themselves into the worldly desires, completely forgetting that we have to answer to someone. That these worldly pleasures that we oh so desire to claim can destroy you.

What I am most sad about is that though we can't maintain our religion well, we can't even treat other people well. All we think about is the bad things, deeds done by people. We keep forgetting that we are all human. We all make mistakes. We all do things we are not proud of in a moment of ecstasy. People always make a point in noting the horrible mistakes that one makes, they completely elude the good things that one does.

Why have we all come to this? I am not only talking about my country but about the world itself? Where did the idea of peace and humanity go?? Why are we always fighting for things that will never remain for eternity?? Why are we so quick to judge others when we dare not take one look at ourselves? Why do we have to keep criticizing other people for their behavior without giving a second thought to their Why circumstances?? Why can't we just let go and let bygones be bygones? Why do we have to make sure that history repeats itself??

Maldives has lost a President today. To many, he may seem one who has ruled with an iron fist, who has been unjust. In my eyes, though he has brought enough calamities to our tiny country, he has tried to make the wrong right. He has brought important issues like our elderly, our environment, our health to light and tried to better it for the future. He has given his best to make things easier for our citizens. No one seems to realize that for a wound to heal, it will go bad for a certain time. No one seems to acknowledge the fact that it takes time to change, and time for this change to show.

We, as human beings first need to realize that we are humans, not Gods. We, as human beings need to come to light that we all make mistakes, we are not perfect and we are not good enough to judge others. We need to accept that we all must appreciate and respect the people in our lives, make them feel human and loved.

The world seems to have lost its ability to love, to forgive, to move on. Maybe this is what the end of the world truly means. The humans lose their humanity... I pray to Allah for things to get better in my country and all around the world. Insha Allah, we will all realize our wrongdoings and make an effort to change for the better. I really hope that we are given the opportunity to prove to Allah that we still have a conscience left. Aameen..  Friends, please join me in this prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Truly said. We are all so full of ourselves, all there is to it is 'us,us,us', never 'you' or 'them'. The problem, like you said, is how everyone wants power.

    I hope Maldives becomes a better place, insha Allah. There was once a time when a single murder would send the whole country into shock.
