this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I am 23 now!!! Can't believe that I have reached my twenties.. Feels unreal for some reason.. After going back home for the holidays, I am back in China once more, but in another city. To be more precise, the city that I accidentally went last year. I was quite excited to come back and this place is great! With fewer people than the previous city, it is much cleaner and easier to travel. On the downside, I had no friends to hang out with. Which kind of made me feel as if this birthday would not stand out. But boy, was I wrong! My new Chinese friends came over with presents and took me to a Muslim restaurant where we had a great meal together. My country mate, Shahu surprised me by taking me to a Korean restaurant which was daebak because I love love LOVE Korean cuisine.
The thing that stood out most about this birthdays is the number of people that wished me on my birthday. To be honest, I get quite happy over the smaller things rather than big presents and surprise parties. It's the thought that I had gotten to be a part of someone's life and that I made an impression on them that counts for me. To see all those people who had written their wishes on my facebook wall page made me happier than ever. The fact that I had friends from different countries, backgrounds, cultures, religions who actually cared to wish me on my birthday really touched me to the core.. I guess we just need to acknowledge the small things in life and see the beauty that it holds.. Materialism has actually no value when we compare it with genuine feelings for one another!
I hope for the best for this coming year and Insha Allah, Allah will protect me and let me live a little bit longer to make many more memories with different people and have all kinds of adventure!! :D

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