this shows what really is inside my head

this shows what really is inside my head

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Eye opening/ mind opening :)

Tonight was a great night. A true eye opener towards the beliefs on different people. I went out with a friend to a gathering of Christians and it truly made me understand their way of thinking and made me more aware of their religion.
 I believe that every Muslim must know what the religions are all about. Tonight, I learned that Christianity is built on unconditional love towards each other. By attending this gathering and meeting all these different people I have come to realize that I have so much that I need to learn about Islam as well as other religions. I think it is a very important part of our life since we need to understand one another and co-exist without having to go through fights and end up misunderstanding one another. Besides, learning more about other religions has made me more confident in my belief in Islam. 
I have a good friend of mine, a good practicing Christian, who is curious about Islam and he had some questions about Islam and that was the moment that I knew that I have to learn more about my religion. Sure, I do know the basics of being a Muslim and the great history that it has but with his questions I now know that I need to be able to answer him without any hesitation and with straight forward answers. I believe in Allah and I am sure this is His way of letting me know that I still have a long way to go and learning more about Islam will greatly benefit me and all the others around me. I am so thankful for having been brought up by good practicing Muslim parents and being surrounded by friends who have a vast knowledge about our religion. 
I have made it my goal to at least learn one new thing about Islam each day and to make sure that I remember it. I am sure that this will help me greatly to stay on the right track and it will help me make the right decisions. Insha Allah I will remain on this road and Allah will help me guide me and my friends to the right path.
Tonight truly was one of the greatest experiences that I have had the opportunity of having. I made a whole  bunch of new friends from different countries, race, backgrounds, religion and beliefs. Yet, we were able to communicate in a friendly, loving way and through out all the differences we came through and ended up creating this wonderful memory together. This really is a chapter in my life that I will not forget and I thank Allah for not steering me away and my friend for inviting me over to this wonderful gathering. I hope that in the future, I get to attend one of these events and that Insha Allah I get to answer all my friends' questions honestly and truthfully!! :D

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Going back home!!! ^_^

It's been 7032 hours since I have left my home, my family, my friends and my life behind. I have been living this new incredible life for more than 8 months now. It has had its fair share of ups and downs but not a moment has gone by that I have not felt grateful for this golden opportunity for me.

Leaving home was a big decision and it has had its setbacks. I have missed out a lot of things back home, watching my brother grow up, seeing my mom pick herself up and start taking care of herself, my friends beginning their lives with their other halves, friends and colleagues bringing new life to the world. I have been watching, listening to the news from afar and it is heartbreaking to not be a part of it. But that the thing in life. You don't get to have everything you want. Sometimes sacrifices are needed to be made. For me it was to put my life with my friends and family behind and start my own life. Find myself. The journey has not ended yet, not even close! I still haven't discovered myself but I am onto something.

Lets just say that I am seeing the world with different eyes now. My mind has become more open and I am discovering and learning that the world is much more than what I had originally thought of. It's filled with different cultures, lives, traditions and people. There is so much more to the world than what I had back in the Maldives. The way these people from different countries has taught me so much and has made me appreciate more of life. I am absolutely thankful that I took this chance and I am grateful for the things that I have got to learn and am going to learn in the future, Insha Allah.

More importantly than that, it has made me realize and has reminded me how magnificent Allah truly is. Yeah there are times that I am uncertain of my future, hopeless about myself but this trip, this experience has given me a lot of confidence in Allah and in myself.

Though I am going back home for sometime, I can't wait to come back and experience new things, meet different interesting people and learn from them. Life is truly truly remarkable!! Allah is the One & the Only. He has allowed me to become more grateful, more respecting towards others and more sure of myself. I just hope that I get to do this more in the future Insha Allah! I am coming home my dearest friends!! I am going back with stories and insight that I have treasured!! I can't wait to see you all and share them with you all!!

Up until now, I have discovered that I love meeting new people and making friends. I love finding out different cultures and traditions of different countries and I want to travel more and see more of the world. I have found out that I am a people person! I am glad that the puzzle pieces are finally showing itself and I can't wait to meet myself! I have been waiting a long time for this!! And the best part? Getting to tell my family and friends and show them the memories that I have made!!!

I want to thank all of my classmates, all of my new friends for letting me be part of their lives here in China. I shall remember our time together for a very very long time! :D